Thông tin công ty

Beta Group owns Beta Cinemas, A.Plus Home and Beta Education. 

Beta Cinemas is a cinema chain with 14 cineplexes across the country. We deliver a youthful and dynamic experience, with good quality in affordable ticket prices, targeting a blue-ocean market: students and youngsters, cost-conscious consumers. In 2020, Beta's valued $43 million after a series C funding.

A.Plus is a service apartment with affordable price. We propose a modern lifestyle with many opportunities to explore and improve for those who want to reach their higher standard in life. The first A.Plus apartment located in Thanh Xuan district, Ha Noi

Beta Education is the mini MBA course using Harvard Business School's curriculum. In Vietnam, the course is presented by Beta collaborated with Fulbright University. With 6 months duration, 6 curriculums, the Mini MBA will help M-level to improve their both soft and hard skills to move up to next destination of their career

số 2 Lê Văn Thiêm, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội

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