Thông tin học bổng

Địa điểm

Việt Nam

Hết hạn


Trình độ


Ngày cập nhật


Loại học bổng


Ngành học

Điện tử / Viễn thông, Công nghệ thông tin / Khoa học dữ liệu / AI / Machine learning, Cơ khí / Tự động hóa

Điều kiện ứng tuyển


E&T Scholarship is available to applicants who:

  • Vietnamese Students from the second to final year student
  • Are completing a bachelor degree in the STEM fields
  • Have 7.0+ cumulative GPA on 10-point scale for the latest full academic year
  • Have English skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Passion, drive and career ambition in their study of engineering or other technology fields.
  • Respect for self, family and contribution to helping others in the community

Application time: To be opened on February 27th

For more information of application, please find facebook "Sunflower Mission - E&T Scholarship" & company website ""

Thông tin chi tiết học bổng

Sunflower Mission and Ascenx Technologies are delighted to announce that the E&T Scholarship is officially open for submission - Feb 27th, 2023. Sunflower Mission E&T Scholarship is a program that provides financial assistance to Vietnamese students in pursuit of higher education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. The scholarship is awarded annually and is intended to honor students who have demonstrated academic excellence, leadership skills and are willing to contribute to society.

For more information of application, please find facebook "Sunflower Mission - E&T Scholarship" & company website ""